Arie Yuffa Apps

The OMFS Handbook 1.1
Arie Yuffa
This App has been developed as a non-profitsource of information for junior doctors and dentistsentering thespecialty of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery. It hasbeendeveloped from the ground up following the advice fromrespectedleaders in this surgical field as well as multiple roundsofvalidation by existing junior doctors and dentists.Writtenspecifically for the pocket format, it will provide userswith anintuitive, rapid and scientifically sound source ofinformation inyour pocket.Format:Designed to reflect the broad working days of the junior doctorsanddentists working in Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, it isbasedupon five main categories:1. Emergency Department2. Surgery3. Ward4. Clinic & Revision Aids5. Tools & OthersEmergency Department:A section dedicated to the identification and management ofacutesurgical presentations in the Accidents &EmergencyDepartment.Ward:A section dedicated to the baseline knowledge required of adentistworking on the ward and caring for patients within thespecialty ofOral & Maxillofacial Surgery. Although primarilyaimed atdentists it should provide quick reference information tojuniordoctors who have generally had little exposure to this field,suchas the ward management of tracheostomies or facialfractures.Surgery:A section dedicated to the pre operative investigations,consentprocess and surgical techniques undertaken in thisfield.Specifically not designed as a comprehensive surgicaltextbook, itshould still enable reminders of key surgical landmarkswithincommon operations as well as post operative care andpatientpreparation immediately prior to surgery.Clinic & Revision Aids:A section dedicated to providing the background, clinicaldiagnosisand current management options for acquired anddevelopmentaldiseases within the remit of the speciality, includingtrauma. Alsowill include subjects for exams revisions.In App Purchase Content:Although the tool has been designed primarily around a desiretoprovide a rapid source of pertinent clinical information,theClinic & Revision Aids section has evolved into ageneralrevision tool for the specialty. For this reason we havemade thissection available to purchase for a small sum (£2.99)which isgoing directly back into the further development of the Appand tomaintain the Author’s System. Following feedback fromexistingusers, this section will continue to expand in its scopeanddepth.Tools & Other Information:A section dedicated to providing quick reference management aidsforassessing visual acuity (Snellen chart), colour vision(Ishiharaplates) and head injury (Glasgow Coma Scale). An addressbook toolis provided for storage of bleep numbers and hospitalphoneextensions of important contacts. More tools like these areinplanning for later updates.Here you will also find a subsection with subjects that do notfallinto the previous categories.About the authors:The App was developed and designed by two clinicians in the fieldofOral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Dr Arie Yuffa, Mr Johno BreezeandAshish Jain, CEO of Hexims IT. Each category has been assignedanexperienced sub editor who has been responsible forcollatingcontent from experts in the field. We will continue toupdate itscontent as the surgical specialty evolves and feedbackfrom usersis encouraged via our social networking sites.